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Ed - The logo's had a funny turn

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dothawkes31 | 23:14 Thu 18th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
The shamrock has appeared again, your spring logo has disapeared.


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Oh look it's back again...
Mine hasn't...........
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it changed back to the shamrock for a minute but it's back to the yellow non descript flowers and the oversized bees now.
I replied to your pm, Craft. x
ohh i've got a spring logo
Oh bless - took an hour to rub the shamrock off. Must have been stuck on with Superglue.
got it NoM...have replied,,
lol... I just checked and see you know that already !
is it just me or is the site slow?
Dot, do you know if there is a way to prevent or turn of youtube screens from appearing?

I thought there was an option in profile but I don't see it any-more.

(i'm hoping you'd see this post, i've posted it on another thread) :-)
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when you register bthere is the option for embedding, or not embedding, i don't know which is the one with the actual video or just the link society
Hi Craft...the opposite for me...i think the site is quite quick....

...or maybe i'm just slow! ;-)
I remember not checking that embedding box once, but I don't see that option anymore. Thought there might be another way or maybe that option is now 'hidden' or re-located.

Cheers Dot, you're always a great sport and help.

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Ed - The logo's had a funny turn

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