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Alternatives to dental floss

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McMouse | 13:15 Fri 19th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Is tampon string OK?


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With a large Toothpick, craft !
"Open wide", eh?

Let me at him, crafty :)
he does have lovely hands and aftershave....
“So I went to the dentist. He said “Say Aaah.” I said “Why?” He said “My dog’s died.’”
LOL - So it was you that nicked Bob Monkhouse's joke book, redman :)
Hi Quentin ! :->
Howdy redman
Question Author
A woman goes into a dentist’s office, and after her examination, the dentist says, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but I am going to have to drill that tooth.”

Horrified, the woman replies, “Oh, no! I’d rather have a baby.”

To which the dentist replies, “Make up your mind, I have to adjust the chair either way.”
lol McMouse !
my bums already got a hickey on it QC
I would like proof of that, fluffy - pics will do nicely, otherwise your ass is mine :)
sorry got to go for my afternoon nap now, maybe later
I gotta go out too - but it's miserable here so not too happy about that - lots of things to do.
I wont be back, you'll be glad to here - have a super fine weekend. :)
Yes Tampon string is fine.
Just make sure that the Tampon is not still in the place that it is designed for before you do so!
wire wool??? lol
Slight digression - Fellah in "The Chair" was told by his Dentist; "You had oral sex last night, didn't you"?
"Oh, I'm sorry" says the fellah - "Have I a pubic hair between my teeth"?
"No", says the Dentist - "Youv'e got Sugar up your nose"!

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Alternatives to dental floss

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