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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:47 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
the weekend is here. It looks wet and windy, it should make the rugby interesting! Have a happy day everyone.


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no Bear - not a clue what they are - delete delete..
ok hipy- i thot they were v mild compared to your usual stuff
wbm - a bit worried actually.. my sisters seem to be in bits and pieces after mum, however I'm striding on as normal.. IS that normal.. or should I be rocking in a corner somewhere...
lol - Bear - The stuff you send me!! would send your hair curly!!!!
my email may get hijacked at times hipy
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You are doing fine poppet. People reacts differently. you are coping well.
thank you daddy - ughh Easter round the corner which means another slog to dad's.. or should I say, 'to the bloke who calls me 'that young lady' and doesn't actually know who I am'... I might break the car.. hence not able to go...
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Time to go. see you all anon. xxxxx
Morning :-)
Don't feel bad about coping Hippy!
Shows a strength of character x
Morning WBM and all been rain here in the night but can put up with that after all the cold we have had. Better weather coming soon.Did start in garden but one step back again. Off to town today I think. Have a nice safe day all.
-- answer removed --
morning all
Morning DrF
morning daftgrandad from a very wet tameside

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Good morning early birds!

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