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brenda | 09:33 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
ideas please -- have a huge Magpie sitting on my doorstep , I swear it is on steroids , it is huge .It has been there an hour now and will not go away.Please don't tell me to look if it is injured, just can't do it -- a bit scared .Ideas just to move it on a bit very , very welcome. Thanks .Brenda.


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It's huge, maybe it's an expectant mother? When birds are expecting the usually look biggish, even chicken, ducks, turkey etc. look bigger.
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expectant magpies , chickens, turkeys............
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Sunday roast
I do know their young ones are hatched from eggs, but during that period of egg-hatching, those birds and domestic animals always appear bigger. My grandparents reared many birds and chickens, ducks, turkeys. They were always big looking and very rowdy. This is just my observation of them during 'that' time.
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Thanks CARABINT----can't tell you how much better I feel after your post, already have a cast on one arm, due to a fall,will go back to bed I think -- safest place.

Thanks everyone.
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Iknow you didn't mean it Carabint , sorry should be capitals., you are too kind for that.
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Brenda, you may think & many others this answer is stupid, no I have not been on the drink, there have been cases of people losing a member of their family, friend or someone is trying to tell you something!! & that is done via a Magpie.
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Hi Brenda. My cats brought a magpie into the house a few years back and when I rang the RSPCA to ask what to do with it, they said Wear Stout Gloves, and be verycareful... it did hop out of the front door eventually.

If you open the door however, it ought to hop away. It's maybe had a rough night (or like mine, a set-to with some cats). They are big but it shouldn't stay there for ever. Have you got a broom? They do have very sharp beaks so do be careful!
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TWR----I don't think your answer is stupid in anyway,it is my birthday today, and I should feel happy but my heart feels heavy. I didn't get a card as usual from a school friend of over 45 years , she lives alone so am at a bit of a loss who to ring to find out about her. Have phoned her home several times this am but no reply.Can only hope she is OK.
Maggy Magpie is now sitting in a planter under a Hebe , looks OK eyes open and breathing, perhaps she is just waiting for a friend.Hope so.
Anyway one of my boys is coming to take me out for lunch, the other two boys have phoned, they both live abroad, so things are OK family wise-- relief.
And the sun is shining -- a bonus.
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Thanks CARABINT-- been to look --gone ---just left a trail of doo da on my path.Well as they say muck for luck . So cheers.
Hi Brenda, you said that you never received a card from your friend? then a magpie appears & will not go does that not tell you something? regards your blast Carbint, I take with addressing me with SIR, of which I am not, Read Brenda 2nd Re-read Brenda replies think about it, Analise the thought then call it as you BLASTED CLAPTRAP. Have a nice day.

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