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How far would you go?

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anotheoldgit | 15:37 Sat 20th Mar 2010 | News
10 Answers

I wonder how many pro-immigration ABers would be prepared to allow some of these illegals to take up residence, down at the bottom of their gardens?

Perhaps the more caring types would be prepared to go the whole hog and nip down to B&Q for a shed for them?


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It is shocking that people have to live like that in the UK in the 21st century.

It is clear that these people are immigrants, but if they are illegal, why are they not detained and taken to the removal centres.

The man mentioned in the article is from the Czech Republic, so has every right to be in the UK, he is not an illegal immigrant.
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Apart from the headline, where does it say in the article that they are here illegally? I would not be happy if a neighbour were to camp in ma shed let alone someone I did not know. The situation would be the same no matter where the person was from but perhaps that's English law for you eh?
We have many immigrants in my area and all those I have spoken to want to stop further immigration . They say it has taken place over too short a time and neither they nor us have had time to adapt. Past immigrations have been with small numbers and adaptation has happened over many sometimes hundreds of years. In contrast we have been swamped over the past 10/20 years.
i think some of you on here live in dreamland.
gromit ( It is shocking that people have to live like that in the UK in the 21st century.)

there are people sleeping out on the streets everynight.

in manchester the council have moved the soup kitchens out of the city centre so as not to upset the likes of some of you.


the blind never listen and the deaf never see
Mr Spudqueen and I were discussing this last night as we live in the same sort of property, two sets of terraced houses with a ginnel (or alley) in the middle. We decided that if this happened to us we would suddenly get a taste for all night bbqs, bonfires and music, and if that didn't work we'd just leave a hose on to flood the garden (luckily our gardens are lower down than the houses). And yes, it is disgusting that people live this way, but this is no excuse for taking over someones private garden, especially when it's not even your country.
no one asked them here !!, its 100% down to them ending up in this situation.
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I think the question you've posed has been framed a little unfairly.

Being 'pro-immigration' does not mean that someone would be happy with a distrssing situation described. A more reasonable question would be "I wonder how many pro-immigration ABers would be prepared to see a 5% rise in their council tax bills to ensure that the thousands of empty council flats are made habitable so that the homeless could be safely housed".

Now THAT question has legs.

And why does the headline refer to these people as 'illegal' immigrants?


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