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Why would anyone .........

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askyourgran | 20:48 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Wash their car in the pouring rain, my newish neighbour did yesterday while his partner watched


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maybe he was trying to impress her?
They might not have unpacked their telly yet, amazing what you do when bored.
Sounds like my neighbour gran she cuts her grass in the rain
Saves rinsing it to get soapsuds off.
maybe he'd put his dirty fingerprints on it, and she was punishing him. it may even be on youtube!
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You have a point there cab, it was really soapy water.
read once, don't ask me where, that rain water is better for the car than tap water.
sounds like afantastic ide to me, ive always wanting to do that. but afraid of nosey neighbours are passer bys laffing at me. the waters free!! and so much better at rinsing too!
hmm i should really check my spellings and grammers before hitting submit!! lol.
I think you need to consider moving. You obviously have weird neighbours.
Soap actually takes longer and therefore uses or needs more water to wash it away.
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Perhaps he has a water meter.
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Sorry I didn't get back to you all last night, I think they are a bit wierd unless of course they were waiting for someone to say hello to them. ~The dog had enough sense to look out of the window at them.

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