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what to do with bacon lardons

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filthiestfis | 14:59 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
Got a half pack left of these and dont know what to cook with them. Any suggestions on what to make?


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What did you use the first half of the packet for?
fry 'em up with some chopped onion, add a tin of tomatoes and a splash of balsamic vinegar, makes a really tasty pasta sauce.
chop up a couple of chicken thighs, fry them up with the lardons, make a big bowl of interesting salad (lettuce, avacado, cucumber, red pepper, cherry tomatoes, chopped celery, halved grapes, etc. etc.) and tip the chicken/lardon mixture on top.
if you've only got a few left, dig a pizza out of the freezer and put them on top along with a finely sliced onion and some grated cheese.
If they are smoked bacon lardons you could make spaghetti cabonara
macaroni cheese (with lardons of course)
Sounds lovely Ethandron, you could askyourgran for a meal.
i would askyourgran round for a meal but unfortunately i'm just off out round to my nieces for a vegetarian indian meal. shucks, maybe next time? :) :)
Taste nice added to cooked cabbage
cook cabbage as normal, fry lardons and add to cabbage; lovely.

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what to do with bacon lardons

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