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Do you cook brockwurst?

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flobadob | 23:31 Tue 23rd Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
39 Answers
I saw a pack of ten German brockwurst sausages in a shop today. On the pack it said it was a German smoked pork sausage but it didn't give any cooking directions. Also it didn't say anything like "eat hot or cold", so I didn't buy them. I know that sausages from here(Ireland) don't carry cooking instructions either but I didn't risk buying the brockwurst until I found out more about preparing them.


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Don't be naughty, Craft!
sorry...........I don't do cooking :-(
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Craft, you dirty dirty boy/girl.
Look it's the best answer you've had okay......
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Anyway, salami is a sausage but can be eaten on purchase, no cooking required. Think I'll need to repost this at some stage anyways.
I cook mine on the griddle, just like sausages.
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Are they nice does anyone know. Suppose its a matter of taste.
Ja.....ich liebe ist sehr schon nicht war?
They are nice boiled, and eaten with bread, butter and German mustard, and as in Munich, with a glass of chilled WeissBier.
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I'm sold, might chance them on the barbie some day.
Now how about that WeissBier - Gruss Gott, Craft!
actually I'd say sod the sausage and just have the beer......
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answer removed
ich verstehe nicht..........
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Must have had something to do with sodding and sausages.
night flob......
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Nighty night.
i like mine grilled with mustard and you have to eat thiem with your fingers, no forks allowed
In east Germany they always eat them in a crusty bread bun about half the size of the actual sausage. With tomato sauce and a sprinkling of paprika.
I think i was addicted to them once. I am a recovering bockoholic.

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