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Telephone Harassment by Debt Company's!

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Sonak | 21:09 Tue 16th Mar 2010 | Civil
8 Answers
Anybody know what the law is on this? I missed 2 payments of my installment plan and am up to date now but I'm getting up to 16 calls a day!!! I don't want to answer as I have done this in the past and explained my situation but they still call!!

Can I answer the call then tell them I no longer want to be called and instead be written too?

Any advice would be very much appreciated, thanks.


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I had this once - the debt collectors can (I understand) only be called off by the company to whom you owed the money. They're the people you need to contact, to ask them to instruct the debt company to lay off.
I'd get a new phone number sonak - it might be quicker!
16 calls a day?
When they ring ask them for the third digit from the password.... or say 'hold on I'll just get her..." then leave them hanging on.
As boxtops says, yopu need to contact the company you took the plan out with
The debt collectors appear to be committing a criminal offence under Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970. See here for an explanation of that section, together with advice as to what to do about the problem:

Can't you block calls at BT ... specific numbers? I think so.
If you have caller ID, just don't answer the phone and do the same if it is a Withheld or Unavailable number. Seemples!!
Hi Sonak - Does your 'phone have "call-bar" on it ot "caller display". I'm required to have both given my work role, but they are very effective.
With 16 calls a day, I'd be consulting Misuse of Telecommunications legislation + anything else. You may have a non-BT provider but BT still own the "wirework" used to provide the service.
For anything - whatever - and to anyone, I would suggest getting hold of a copy of "Butterworth's Police Law". (The daily 'Bible' of the working copper!). It's a thick heavy book and costs some £20 new - but readily available cheaply via. charity shops, e-bay, Amazon, etc. - And once you can start quoting specific offences at these folk + penalties and liabilities, they do tend to disappear or certainly be suddenly willing to enter into "meaningful dialogue"!

Have a read on this link re frequent phone calls -it will tell you all you need to know about debt collectors and the law.
good luck

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