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milliezoe | 11:35 Wed 24th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just heard on the radio we are being asked to switch off all electricity at 8.30 pm on saturday for one hour as a gesture towards energy conservation will you be doing this ?

Mine will be off anyway am off to london this weekend for a jolly !!!!!!!


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ABSOLUTELY NOT! is what I originally said! I got so fed up with being asked to join "Earth Hour" that I put a blatantly antagonistic post on FB thanking others for ecological consideration and that I will be purposefully leaving all mine on and running my tumble dryer . . . then I realised I have solar panels and therefore the irony was a little lost. ;-)
Was that ^ a sentence being started with a conjunction?
Mine will be off, too.

I'm going skiing on Sunday morning, and we're staying at the airport hotel on Saturday night, so my flat will be empty.

(unless you are a burglar, in which case my flat is heavily guarded by men with guns and tigers and things)
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Have a good trip JJ wish I was going with you the old Knees would not stand up to it these days
Actually, Chuck, I think the "And" question has become a bit of a grey area, particularly since semi-colons have become less used.

Although I did think that "Parliament" needed a capital "P", as did "Government" with a "G".

Also, the "Houses of Parliament" might be lit up, but I doubt if Parliament itself will be lit up.
millie ... what about neoprene knee supports?

I quite often wear them ... not because I have knee problems, but just because they give me a bit of protection when I crash.
nope i have no other source of power in the house
Are you doing anything jolly in London, millie ?

Not bloody likely. We've got the kids. One of them is terrified of the dark. Kids and candles on a Saturday night just sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.
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No, I won't be switching mine off.
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My sons at the inns of court on Friday to be welcomed into the Law society we are then going for a celebratory nosh then to see the Mousetrap Sat the London eye and then whatever comes along
Grauniad reader = me.

Oh, yes ... now I remember.

The Mousetrap ... brilliant !! .. who would have thought that the killer would turn out to be
Will I bollix.
seriously you disconnect your electric for a weekend away? when you get back you have to reprogramme all your clocks and timers and gadgets ect?

no I wont have my leccy off on saturday
Nor me....
wount be turning my electric off, why should we be dictated too, we pay the bloody bill!!!

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