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I predict a riot..LOL

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Bobbisox | 11:51 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
If EDnews is a moderator, we have hit the skids
errr wher's Spare Ed???
Bobbi ♥


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No idea.

I just wish Newsdesk would sod off back to the cesspit that is SAB, and stay there.
Newsdesk is no more a moderator than I am the pope.

Hiya Joy. {:o)
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Morning your
Hi Mrs C...whataboutcha?
What is SAB please

Have a look smart...very impressive..
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I'm great, thanks Joy. (Well .... sort of. Got the builders in and I'm living in what looks like a bomb site at the mo. Will be glad when it's over).

Newsdesk, you don't half talk some sh!te. It's a good job most of the folk on CB know you're just a wind-up merchant with a mental health problem.
Thanks ummmm
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But why is the Hurdy-Gurdy man still here?
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"i can reinstate anything if i like."
how about proving it? un-ban legend and allow him a right of reply.
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well said mushroom
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I'm just reading a book called 'I predict a riot'
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I predict a riot..LOL

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