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Brothers and Sisters

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dothawkes31 | 22:48 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Do you have/ did you have any? How did that go then? They can be very hard to get along with can't they?


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one of each. my brother is married to a mad woman who keeps dogs, and is always pregnant. my sister is now in Oz and has just left her 2nd husband for another man.

yes, very hard work!
one of each - we all live quite a long way away from each other, and we all get on fine!
Never got on with my brother, he always bullied me when i was younger.
Never see him now and haven't for 10 years......Naw never got on with him.
I can't decide if I have been better blessed without.............
3 brothers, 3 sisters....needless to say my parents were catholic!
I have two older brothers.I get along quite well with them when they call at my mum's house who I still live with.I would have loved to have a younger brother or sister though.Would prefer a younger brother though,as we could then compete in sports and possibly share the same hobbies.
I don't very often see my eldest brother though!! He's very good with cars,as he has a vast knowledge on them.He even once dismantled a car engine to get at a fault,and put it all back together.What a genius he is!! :)
I had 2 brothers and 1 sister. my older brother died aged 36 my sister died aged 41. Of the 2 of us left , we are not close.
One brother, 4 years older than me. Phoned him 10 years ago to tell him I was a Grandma, never heard from him since.
two brothers and one sister, we lost contact many years ago,
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Are we meant to love them like we love our kids and forgive them everything and expect the same in return?
it's all been a bit one-way for me, Dot.

anyway.. you??
If only Dot, Life aint like that.
Good God, I think not!! Rather have pets.
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I have 2 sisters, one 18 months older and the other 5 years younger, then a brother 2 years younger. we just don;t communicate, my mum and dad kept us all together and it just petered out once they were both gone, I use facebook to keep in touch i suppose, but we have nothing in common except our ancestry lol
I wish that I had a brother or sister, I'm an only one and it's rubbish.
I have a sister 2 years older than me and a brother 10 years sister is my best friend but my brother is hard work.
I've got 3 sisters but only keep in regular contact with one of them.

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Brothers and Sisters

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