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was i wrong about the kidnapping of

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suzie1 | 16:16 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | News
14 Answers
sahil saeed, was he really kidnapped? im confused now


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I think there's more to it than we've been told. Time will tell......
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thats wat i think, gnome just google the name and you will see, i dont know how to send links soz....but i am mega confused now
// The full brutality of the gang that kidnapped the British boy Sahil Saeed in Pakistan was exposed today when police revealed that its members had been involved in at least 22 murders, including the killing of abducted victims for whom no ransom was paid. //

But he is a p@ki so you have every right to be suspicious.
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I think gromit was making a point that many people jumped to conclusions about this case because of the ethnicity of those involved
I was suspicious, not because of the ethnicity of the victims though. It was the behaviour of the father that made me wonder what was going on.

They were very lucky to get little Sahil back unharmed considering the type of scum who took him.
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I didn't think all this up just because of which country they originate from, Shannon Mathews was English and her family did this kind of thing, so i thought this family used their poor innocent boy to get easy cash and media attention, the dad and mom made me suspicious as they looked like they had smirks on their faces etc. and dad didn't seem to concerned, but I don't want to accuse anyone any more, anything could have gone doesn't matter to me who people are, be it Pakistani, English etc were all equal, I don't know what went on with gromit, as i missed it, but to clear this up i don't mean any offence to any race. I am not a racist!
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One knows that Gromit gets rather offensive if anyone dares to criticise anyone of an ethnic background, no matter what they are accused of.

This rather spoils open debate on any subject that involves anything to do with race, immigration etc.
this thread


seems to bear out Gromit's suggestion that people were indeed suspicious because the people involved were 'not British' and that it was all about Pakistan.

Their posts are of course intact, and he's been banned.
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he can come back as someone else

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was i wrong about the kidnapping of

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