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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:51 Mon 29th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Monday morning and it's tipping down. what a way to start the week. Oh well, can't do anything about it.
Have a happy day everyone.


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morning daftgrandad
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Morning dg. zzxxee has a job interview today. I'm fine thanks. how are you?
Morning All.

I hope all is well.

All the best,

Spare Ed
I'm still confused!

he's not my noisy neighbour, if that's what you were thinking ;o)
I,m very well thanks,wbm,apart from the weather.
Sorry for mistake zzxxee,best of luck in your interview.
there was one on here playing bobs songs to you a while back ?
lol.. the Rasta man who hadn't paid his tv licence?
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She'll be fine dg, as long as they don't mess her about like the last lot did.
correct , lol
good morning wbm and all - how did the barn dance go ?? are you still pulling hayseeds out of your whiskers ???
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Morning seeks lol, yup, they pesky seeds gits everwhar, don't 'um! It went very well. A very good evening and much merriment was had by all. wqe raised somewher in the region of £700 for the canal restoration. can't be bad.
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time to go folks! Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
Morning wbm and all,

What a horrible Monday morning!

Wet and rainy.
and you, too - well done, Saturday night

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Good morning early birds!

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