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Great, another new week.

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bobjugs12 | 08:59 Mon 29th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
It's monday, it's raining, i'm in a windowless basement, i'm tired, i'm bored, i want a brew but some little goat-pleasurer has nicked my mug, i've got a stack of boring work to do.
I had a good weekend but now i'm back here.

Why, oh why, has no one invented a time machine yet, so that I can skip the week and fast forward straight to the weekend?



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Yeah. Why after so many reports did the disgusting posts stay for hours?
"recently come to enjoy "red bush""

I'll take red if it's all that going ;)
My only comment is that I turned AB off fairly quickly on Saturday and couldn't even be bothered to report the rubbish... It's predicatable when they'll be around (evenings and weekends) so why wasn't a moderator about? Boring, stupid, unimaginative and ignorant posts that make me (and I suspect others) switch off and go elsewhere.
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Panic button. Does your goat have a particularly seductive 'baa'? How tidy is the little wispy beard thing? If your goat is fit, thenI'm sure I can find it a 'partner'.
He can't be there all the time is all. I usually pop my head in on the weekends to make sure everything is going okay - this weekend was an exception because I was monstrously busy.

We're trying our best to keep things under control, but we do acknowledge these slip-ups are unpleasant and unsatisfactory. I'm sorry it got that bad!

This does push the argument for certain users being given some of the editors tools. I think we've all agreed before that this would be a good thing.

All the best,

Spare Ed
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Spare ED, can I be an all powerful mod then.
I will make sure there is no joy or happiness to be seen anywhere.

I've just been upstairs and out into the daylight for a smoke so my days is starting to improve, slowly
We like to think we encourage you all to be happy and have fun...

We're not quite as Fascistic as we sometimes make out!

All the best,

Spare Ed
I'd be a crap mod. I just don't tend to find much offensive. Even when it's aimed at me.
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To be honest ummmm, nothing offends me, ever.
But i'd like to impress the girlys with my power ;)
How do I like my tea? Black earl grey with a twist of lemon served by a naked nubile young man in bed.

I can dream.
The 'trolls' know full well that the Ed has to step out on a Saturday to replenish the supplies the office needs for the remainder of the week...........

Which is precisely why they turn up. Oh, and L***y seems to work at the weekend, which leaves Kn0bby with time on his hands with which to infilltrate the site and, I believe, complete his mission statement which *is to bring this site to its knees*.
He almost brought it to a standstill this Saturday...............:o(
(apart from me and my trusty 'Report this' finger, of course).
that sounds like a nice way to start the day BM
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BM I find that offensive. Balck tea is foul. Go and give your head a vigorous shake
No, you can't be here all the time... But you have been banging on about making select users moderators for some time now so perhaps it's time to 'pee or get off the pot' as my secretary says.
I'm not sure it's a good idea.
Hello bobjugs :0)
you're blessed, you have a job x

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