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Bye...gotta go

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evedawn | 14:56 Mon 29th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
HAve loved being on here today...but am still in me jimmyjams and got nowt down so far (a day off work methinks i'm entited to) but the hub is due in soon and....feel guilty for being lazy. byeeee LOVED chatting with you all and al the opinions. Great. wish I could do it every day!


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Bye! See you when I see you. Feel better soon. x
eve - just spray Mr. Sheen in the air before Mr. evedawn comes in - he will think you have been working hard. ha ha ha

bye bye
Den xx
Haha know the tricks...!!
works everytime, ummmm (:0 D
I'll be doing myself in a minute :-)
Be careful ummmm when spraying into the air it does'nt land on a polished floor or tiles - otherwise you will go ar$e over t!t.............
hahaha...we use to polish the floor and call the dog just to watch him run on the spot. Very funny :-)
omg Den, you're an expert in this kind-a-thing. lol

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Bye...gotta go

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