My sister in law had this procedure a few months ago. As she was very nervous they gave her a general anaesthetic but they had offered a local anaesthetic with sedation.It takes about twenty minute and she had slight cramps after,similar to period pains. She was back at work five days later.If you want more info Google Novasure. Hope everything goes well for you notafish.
as well as googling Novasure....check under thermachoice as well!
it works the same as Novasure but takes 15/20 minutes alone to do but the novasure takes less time while in theatre.
I've only seen this operation done under a general anaesthetic and sometimes after the operation, pop in a bit of local's just better that way than under sedation
I had an endometriel ablation 7 months ago for very heavy periods and am over the moon with the results. I came out of hospital the same day, had the next day off work as a precaution but felt fine. I had slight crampings for about 3 hours after coming round from the op but know someone who had no pain at all. I now have very light periods each month. I know this may not work for everyone but i would say the for the short lenghth of recovery time its well worth a try. Good luck.
Thank you jkelly for the info. I'm glad you told me about the pain after, it was never mentioned in the leaflet I was given. People need to be told if there's pain afterwards, or they'd worry unnecessarily when they get it.