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Contraceptive implant...

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ummmm | 10:20 Tue 30th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Due to get mine taken out later today. Has anyone had it? Does it hurt?

Got the dreaded long overdue smear test as well :-(

Should I neck a drink first? It's not until 5 o/ well into the acceptable drinking


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I think a drink is quite in order. Muscle relaxant and all that.

Fine needle aspiration in your boobs is up there with fluffing painful.
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Gosh...I hope nothing goes wrong with me. I'm such a wuss. Well I build it up in my head and get really nervous. It usually turns out to be OK. Martin was going to try and get home so he could come with me but he's gone and dropped his phone in the bath...idiot. Brand new as well...!!
Hi ummmm I've had a look on the internet and it takes 3 minutes to remove it. Piece of cake according to the website. The reason you have to go to the clinic is, only people trained by the implant company can fit or remove it. So dont get nervous.
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Thanks Mazie....I was the first at my Doctors to get it put in but I didn't realise they didn't know how to take it out. 3 minutes is a long time...!! :-)
3 minutes isn't that long ummmm. The thought of it is always worse. Dont go in worried and tense, just relax and think of something really nice. let us know how you got one. I bet you dont feel a thing. Did it hurt when they put it in?
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No...not at all. They numbed it first so just felt a bit weird. It's just horrible having to have the smear test as well. I would bring OH in with me but I think that might excite
There you go then. removal will be just as painless. smear test are painless as well as long as you relax, lie back and errrm think of england. Anyway good luck and get the other half to take you out afterwards and buy you something nice xxx
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He's spent enough money on me this week. I'm sure he'll say yes to a few beers though xx
a few beers sound good, perhaps have them before though :o)
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I think I will....and some extra strong mints :-)))
Who said 3 minutes is nothing :( Thats the best some of us can manage!
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That explains alot....!!!!
But it's the greatest 3 minutes any woman will ever experience!!!
It's easy and doesn't hurt at all. Had mine removed years ago with minimal fuss.
that was your brain china, read the q its the contrceptive implant ummm was asking about
Does this mean that there may be another Ummmmlet soon?
My brain just fell out my right ear Fluffy, no need for removal.
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Not sure yet annie....But it needs to come out anyway. You should hear some the bribes he offers me if I'll have a baby. It's a hard one. He hasn't got any kids of his own but my youngest is 11 now so I'm not sure I want to go back. It would be a pity for him though. He's a great Dad to mine so can only imagine what he'd be like with his own.
My hubby had the snip after our second just in case we were ever tempted again. ;0).

If he is pretty hands-on as a dad, then it may not be as bad as you think it will be, as mine grow older I do sometimes miss them not being little anymore, but too old now to think of starting again - added to the fact there would be a stewards enquiry if I found myself pregnant!

Good luck whatever you decide.
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Yes he is hands on and very reasonable and fair (and very very funny) I suppose it would be so much easier this time round. Going to the shop was a chore when mine were little. At least I wouldn't have that bother anymore. Plus my oldest will be old enough to babysit :-)

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