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bobjugs12 | 12:54 Tue 30th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
I just got myself squared away on a training course and new job for when I leave the mob in the summer!!!!

How chuffed am I!


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She just sent me a picture of hers. I have to say....they are better than mine..
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Ooh, the RAF - my favourite type of force..... ;-)
bytheway bob - well done x
awww vibes.......
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Well done Good Luck!!!!!! I am out of a job tomorrow
If these girls keep argueing, there is only one way to sort it out

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Cheers for the messages folks. Brucie, I'm sorry to hear that mate. I hope you have luck in finding new work.

Salla, I have to ask, why is the RAF your favourite service?
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I'm especially looking forward to my blue-light driving course :)

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