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The Door

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welshlibranr | 21:40 Fri 02nd Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Anyone watching? what do you think of it so far?.................


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Not much - why does it take Chris Tarrant and Amanda Holden to host?
As soon as it came on OH grabbed the remote and turned over to Ashes to Ashes so - don't think he was very impressed! What do you think of it?
From a brief glimpse it looks like a version of Fort Boyard.
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well lardhelmet, so far not very impressed really! a bit lame so far!...............
Only half a personality each sanden ;)
Thanks welsh - sounds like I'm not missing anything then!
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looks like it might get a bit more interesting (gory and messy) tomorrow night lardhelmet, but don't think I'll bother!...............
im enjoying it, its quite funny, reminds me abit of the film SAW.
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maybe I'm being a bit harsh then whitebear! But not overly impressed so far! don't know what I expected really! Probably too much!....................
I thought total rubbish.
I turned off before the end - couldnt stand it any longer.
Chris Tarrant should be strong enough to talk us through each step. Sorry Karen I hadnt thought of the half personaility theory!
Thoroughly enjoyed it welsh, I laughed from begining to end! From the hardman portrayal of Keith Duffy, to Dean Gaffneys retching!!! ;0)
Thought the use of German Shepherds who they pretended were vicious was a totally unsuitable item, its obvious they were well trained animals used to people but any dog would bark at strangers crawling around their cages. Where would they stand if one of them had actually been bitten by one? As if dogs don't get bad enough publicity as it is.

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