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Curtains or drapes?

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CuteToni | 23:24 Sun 04th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I'm watching old eps of "Come Dine with Me" and the hostess referred to her "drapes" aka curtains. She was uq her own elbow, sounded like Miss Jean Brodie.


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eek I mean "up" her own a.rse
That must be the first time that anyone here on CB has actually admitted that he doesn't know his a.rse from his elbow ;-)
Question Author
;-) there appears to be a nanny filter.
so Toni......what rhymes with elbow?
there is, Toni.. so don't you come on here with your dirty mouth!
^ loser......
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Hmmm "oboe" perhaps? But that would be impossible to put into a limerick. Well, a clean one ;-).

Too f&*@$§ right sara3. I'm so glad there is a nanny filter. Hate to mind me ps and qs.
I prefer looser, myself :o)
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Okay my Vesta Beef Curry keeps coming back on me so going to find some white lightening to take away the taste.
↑ class
defo sara...........I suddenly fancy a Diamond White and I haven't seen those in years.
Drapes? Was she american?

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Curtains or drapes?

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