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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:43 Mon 05th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Start the week with a day off. that's the way to do it! It's blowing an 'ooligan outside, so I'n venturing far today.
Have a happy day everyone.


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the yanks-what a bunch of ******
morning DrF, what were you doing out in the rain this morning ???
up at 2am so finished the sunday crosswords bar 1 and went to postbox and then to newsagents.
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Yup, they make an art form of it beejay. They're the only ones that can do it :-)
Good Morning everybody :-)
Watford away today...The long and winding road is almost at an end...
Have a nice day.
morning WBA best of luck
mightyWBA, I trust you'll be popping in for a nice cuppa on your way?
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Morning MWBA. I hope it goes well for you.
I wish you luck, then - luckily I'm too far away to make posting worth it [ always depends on my getting them correct, too - like ravens and robins !! ]
Just a spot of milk and 2 sugars please :-)
Here's a spot of trivia...Watford and the Baggies grounds are on the same road,the A41.
Fascinating stuff!
my brother is a Watford fan.. go easy on him if you see him ;o)
He has my deepest sympathy :-)
so are dundee / dundee utd grounds Mighty - on same street/road
i fink

There you go Beejay...Hoots mon thats close, och aye the noo etc.

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Good morning early birds!

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