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Has every poster on AB died tonight

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caslass | 22:40 Tue 06th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Or are you all watching the news about the General Election. Maybe you are in awe about Messi. Somebody say something.


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Hi cas not long finished work,now catching up with heston blumental
Hi there zigzag2, my KA is now repaired and fine, didn't cost an arm and a leg, thankfully! thanks for asking!.........................
Didn't know Cameron was in Leeds today not that I'd have gone to see him. Good timing getting his mrs up the duff don't you think.
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Hiya poodi. I hope you are well. I know the name but can't place him. Is it cooking.
Hi Ziggy sweetie xx
-- answer removed --
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Are you in Leeds then Gran. I am south of Leeds, but I wouldn't have gone if he was in my street.
West leeds caslass not far from Bradford (passports at the ready)
Hi ask i used to live in mirfield
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The last time I was in Bradford I went to a pantomime. I think that is what elections are all about. Tomfoolery.
Mr A played bowls at Mirfield Old Bank, best club in Yorkshire he says,
Think my ex is on the commitee there lol
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Off to bed for me. Goodnight all.
Mr a is on the bowling side, doesn't go to the club much.
Night casx
Night Caslass.

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Has every poster on AB died tonight

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