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Keeping Lancashire warm.

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B00 | 10:33 Wed 07th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
My friend is obviously heating up the whole of Lancashire for us- which is nice of him.



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Glad its not my bill
good thing he gets a discount.....
Will the warm air be wafting over to Blackpool anytime soon ? :o)
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Yeah ,the £2.55 makes all the difference doesn't it McFluffy?

It was positively balmy in Blackpool on Saturday Jack, I reckon he'd cranked the heating up full for us then.
he got 250 nectar points, whats he moaning about?
Don't mention nectar points grrrrr, sidetracking slightly but in the same veign (i.e. having a right good winge), I didn't change my address 2 years ago for the nectar card, never used it here much as no BP garage and I don't use sainsburys. new BP garage openes hear work and I try to start using it, they've bloody cancelled it!!! they say i need to go and get a new one and I've tolf em to sod off I'll use tescos card instead.

But anyway, sorry, glad you had good weather in Blackpool you must have been blessed!
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Yeah, i was shocked too Dotty- hello by the way! We were sat in deckchairs (I initially wrote dickchairs- which would have been more interesting!) at 6pm on the pier- and yes, we do know how to lead the high life eh? LOL
I hope you admired the new seawall, my OH built it with his own bare hands a few months ago, during night shifts, in all weathers, it was the scariest job he;d ever done....... he had to fend off drunken lasses at 3am most nights...
Is this a Lancashire Hot Pot BOO...
Ok I'll get me
good time in B'Pool?
Bobbs ♥
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bad joke there Bobbs, you should be ashamed of yourself ;-) Yeah was a brilliant few days, though VERY expensive.

The sea front is looking good dotty- some of it still not finished mind, but you can see a definite improvement.
I think our new sea-defences look ace !
Thank your OH on my behalf, Dot...............
I ususally take a book down to the prom on a sunny day, so that I can have a nice relaxing read.............unfortunately my WiFi doesn't extend quite that far ! :o)
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It was lovely sitting there Jack, we had coffee and donuts and would have have fallen asleep there too if it wasn't for the vast amount of fat loud people that stomped past us.
I have had some great weekends there, everyone gets caught up in the 'let's party' thing...or at least I
I remember holding this poor bloke to stop him from falling over, it was his stag weekend and his mates had cling-filmed him...arms and all..
Wonder if he's happily wed
Mrs JtH and took a turn along the prom on saturday and I must admit I was 'scanning' the visitors to see if I could spot you and Mr B00 in the crowds.

This task was made no easier by the fact that my glimpses of you have consisted of you being 'wrapped up' for snow-woman groping purposes or the x-ray of your wrist.....neither of which I felt to be particularly helpful on a warm spring day.

But, if you walked along the prom to south pier from anywhere to the north, you'll have walked passed the bottom of my road !
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rofl jack! I'm willing to bet i did walk along the bottom of your road, I walked that mile many many many times over the weekend!
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Did you spot a 6foot bloke striding along with a 5 foot podgy women trying to keep up and whinging about her sore feet? If so, that was us!

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