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omg, a month of swingometres, analysis and all that,,,Do I really bloody care?

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Bobbisox | 19:41 Wed 07th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
What Sam Cam (cliche) is wearing?
a full month of cr@p and empty promises...
do the TV companies think we are so gullible?
Bobbi ♥


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yes, the news seems to take hours now :o
Question Author
hi cazz, men and women dying in Afghanistan but the feckin Election is more important to the News,,, makes my blood boil !
well its an upgrade to what jordan has done I suppose...
Question Author
lol@cazz are we really that desperate?
I sniggered to watch GB trying to avoid answering the question "who's being mislead about NI" on the news tonight.
lol noooo, I wont bother with the election until election night!! I will have to watch repeats on sky until then :)
How come the political parties and their manifestos are never brought to book under the Trades Description Act ?
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Hi boxy, they all want put in a room and the key thrown away...bloody selective thieves !
aww missed that boxtops, I like to see him looking uncomfortable under questioning ;)
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hello ttfn,,good point, I get all uppety when me mates say...I don't vote, I say shurrup then, you should use your vote...but I am p!ssed off with having the thieving ba$tards shoved down my throat !

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omg, a month of swingometres, analysis and all that,,,Do I really bloody care?

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