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why do 'newbies' feel the need to answer a thread...and then bu$$er off into oblivion?

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Bobbisox | 13:46 Thu 08th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I refer to ellette, why post an answer then disappear from radar?
if indeed you are a newbie, it's as bad as when you help someone with a question then they don't bother with a reply !
Bobbi ♥


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Not excatly a newbie, they seem to have been about for around 5 months.

(my favourite ones are people that answer a question weeks or months after it's already been answered and give exactly the same answer as the question got when it was originally posted, now what the hell is the point of that!)
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at least we can allways depend on you Chuck, you have been always very helpful to me when I have had a techie issue thank you
Bobbi ♥
-- answer removed --
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yep I have answered her in my other thread worries
wow. you really, really need to calm down. i just checked back in that post and it took 4 whole minutes for you & others to start commenting on my "disappearance from the radar". you must be one of the most impatient people on earth. then i find you've started a whole other thread about me, and assume i'm a newbie. you sound like a very demanding and presumptuous person. you might not be, but it's what you sound like.
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and you are?
JimT - are you also Ellette then?
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sure looks like it salla
I thought this was frowned upon?
as I have said ellette/Jim T
had you have explained your point a bit better I would have understood
Don't take things so seriously Bobbi. It's not real life. And don't forget people often ask questions on here and then get their answer elsewhere so just don't bother coming back on AB. I don't know why people get upset about it.
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LL all I would have asked is for a better explanation of the answer...
I forgotten him/her
Hello Bobbisox ! I'm a newbie, so I'll leave you with this and I'll then clear off ! lol

The Big Bang Theory: God Spoke and BANG! it happened.
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shuuurrruuup red yer daft sod
whoooosh, he's
He He . :->>>>
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me pushy and
demanding even !!!!

more like terrified of me own

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why do 'newbies' feel the need to answer a thread...and then bu$$er off into oblivion?

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