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Postal Service

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caslass | 17:48 Thu 08th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
The postman called at my letterbox today at 3.40pm. Has anyone had letters later than this?


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8pm one evening last year ! ...and prior to that at 6pm ....
Great ain't it ...
Mine usually arrives about 1pm, it used to be 10am many moons ago.
I live between Basingstoke and Andover ....
I'm expecting one tomorrow
I remember, as a kid, that the mailman used to make deliveries twice a day. Do they still do that over there in England?
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Stewey you're lucky if you get one every day. We use to get ours at 7am. now it's nearer to 7pm. We now call it snail mail.
He used to come in the morning and afternoon; I forget the times. But I had this game where as he pushed the "Dandy" or the "Beano" through the slot in the door I would pull it through as he was pushing it in......great fun for a kid:)
I've received letters weeks after they were posted!
My post is very irregular, something came at 530pm yesterday but I suspect it had been delivered to the wrong house and my neighbour poked it through when they got home. My mail comes regularly between 830 on a good day and mid-afternoon on others - no pattern.

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Postal Service

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