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Quick - a distraction for Sqad....

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Bbbananas | 09:48 Fri 09th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I have a black bra on today. But I contine to grow (hormone surge) so they are rippling over the top like Moll Flanders sat on a blancmange.

Is Mrs S still in a strop? Would you like to rent my spare room as discussed yesterday?


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A withered Agapanthus.....................try saying to it "Quo Vadis"
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That is a very good tip sqad.

Do you have another good tip?
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Oh, wither goest thou?
Yes - I shall try that forthwith. If that fails, I shall just dump it and buy afresh. I have no loyalties.
salla....try these.....they give satisfaction the whole year round.

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Ooh dear - deja vu. Red hot pokers remind me of my soon-to-be-ex-husband. Please don't ask me why - but I'm sure you can use your imagination....

Funnily enough, I had a text from the old scr0te this morning. How co-incidental.
salla ;-)

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Quick - a distraction for Sqad....

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