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ive given myself the day off today...

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stokemaveric | 10:26 Fri 09th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
ive done the hoovering,polishing and taken the dog for a walk....what now????????????


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Watch the telly?
Get out of the house and enjoy this lovely spring weather
Question Author
boring jj...i know ill get us some horses eh?
Silly - sit in the garden and read a book. And after the stroke of midday you can pour yourself a nice glass of chilled pinot grigio and call it the weekend. Funny name for a pinot grigio, but no weirder than, say, Mutts Nutts.
Come over to mine and do my ironing
You can clean my loos - I hate that job.
OKay, horses sound good, Stokey x
Is it true what they say about horse riding JJ?
Question Author
give me 10 jj....x
What do they say about horse riding, salla ?

That it can be dangerous ?

That it's good for the thighs ?

That most girls have their first ...
The latter.....

Good reason to take up horse riding I'd have thought?!
Rabbits are better than horses !!!
True - not so smelly. And they don't bite.
mmmm go still in a pub garden and have a nice long leisurely lunch
Well mine don't bite, Salla !
If they did, would you be able to bit it back?!!!
bite it back......

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ive given myself the day off today...

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