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Normal questions a mum gets asked when daughter is going to disco

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pericat | 13:07 Fri 09th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Mum - did you wash that top
mum - can I borrow your make up
I get asked - mum can you tighten the charms on my bracelet !


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phew she must be a good girl....she actually asks if she can use your make-up!!
Disco pericat?
only get worried if it was a son asking those questions
Question Author
Is disco an outdated term ?
Sorry pressed submit my accident, I was going to say that I haven't heard the term disco in yonks, they call them clubs/raves now!
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Lol - she's only 13 Bigfoot
Very outdated! When I think of disco's I think of concord collared shirts, Flared trousers, brown and green checked tanktops and the osmonds! lol.
Oh I see pericat, well ask her is disco a normal term or do they call it something else these days as kids terminology changes every 5 seconds it seems! lol.
that's just what happens when you have a mum in the biz.....
my 10 year old goes to 'discos' my 18 year old neices go 'clubbin' and me, who refuses to grow old goes 'dancin'!
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It's called disco - just checked
Lol@joannie1o. Maybe it's been called several hundred different other things and has just gone full circle pericat?
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It all does eventually Bigfoot - scary !
My daughter (21 tomorrow) still borrows my clothes, shoes and make-up peri!
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Happy coming of age tomorrow to your daughter daffy
Apart from aftershave do boys borrow off their dads? I suppose it depends on how trendy the dad is!
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Not in this house anyway Bigfoot - aftershave or the van

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Normal questions a mum gets asked when daughter is going to disco

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