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Who was the first person...

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NoMercy | 07:16 Sat 10th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
You ever "Googled"? Apart from yourself, of course :-)

I Googled David Beckham. I'm not a DB fan, I just wanted to see how it worked and he was the first person to pop into my head.


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, hmm i don;t know i can;t remember, it would of been to do with work i expect though!
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You Googled a colleague?
Marilyn Monroe

I remember because somebody was showing me how it worked, and told me to think of somebody famous.

I just thought of the most famous person there has ever been.
Good morning NoMercy - my venerable cousin - I was surprised how many entries there were for him.
i Googled mysllf. My cats are not the only narcissists in this house....
You have a pool of water by your pc boxy? Water and electricity...................
LOL ttfn! - do you not know I still communicate with the John Bull printing set, and some batteries? (I was going to make some joke about pools and Tena Lady, but that would be tasteless...)
Wouldn't Narcissus have used a mirror, if one had been available ?
Tasteless - you boxy - never! Well I must be off now, take care of your cold and leave the Singer alone today. ttfn
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And then he wouldn't have drowned, JJ ! lol
He might have bumped his face on the glass, though ... and broken his nose.

Then, he might have become less narcissistic !
lol no i was probably trying for contact info for someone for editorial, its been too many years now to remember, if it wasnlt that it was probably some hot bloke
I googled my ex........he was there in all his glory-looking self-important as usual......;-(

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Who was the first person...

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