Having tucked into this with my usual relish, there seemto be rather more than usual with slightly 'dodgy' connections, i.e I have several answers which fit only 80-90% of the clue. They are usually very precise. Have I just got the wrong answers, or are other ABers suffering similar reservations?
I have to say I was half expecting the Quizmonkey response, though it seems harsh even by AB Gestapo standards, as I haven't either referred to specific questions or asked for any assistance. But good to know the old bigotry is unabated!
Bigotry: The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them. Seems pretty appropriate to me.
I agree with Gandolf in his original comment. In the past I have always been very aware of the significance in Rainbow puzzles of punctuation (or its absence) in the clues. This year I am not so sure.
Q44 and Q100 have no space after the number.
Q25 has an extra space between the brackets
Q30 and Q35 have double left brackets
I am coming round to the belief that these are all typos. Somewhat unusual for this quiz. What do others think?
And a warm hello to all those people who enjoy being here, and a resounding wish for severe rectal pain to the quiz police
Hi Grumpygeezer, I have actually got 'good' answers for all of the ones you mention, which aren't affected by the typos in punctuation, so I think you can ignore them. My original concern was the number of clues where I have answers which look right, but only fit about 80% of the clues. Usually it is pretty obvious when you have the right answer in Rainbow quizzes....
Clues all seem exact enough! - but of course there are the classics bits of mis-direction (just what I'd expect in the Rainbow Puzzles). I admit that I had to work hard to fit the "answers" to the clues on several occasions, but eventually they all succumbed to (slightly-twisted) logic.