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my last post...parp-parp...

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Bobbisox | 17:46 Sun 11th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
My friend has just texted me from Dubai saying how unbelievable it is there, very opulent, but when they took their 10 yr old grandson to the beach they were approached and told he had to keep his t shirt on even in the water !
a woman yes, even a bloke with a hairy one...but a little boy?

btw I do believe in When in Rome and all that !


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That surprises me in Dubai since the holiday pix all show women on the beach in bikinis. Any of the other Trucial states, yes, but Dubai is - I thought - a lot more liberal. You sure it wasn't just so he didn't get sunburnt?
This is a long shot, but perhaps they were concerned about the child getting too much sun.
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I don't think so boxy but then it is hard to tell in a text I suppose
I am also thinking sunburn - it is very very hot in Dubai.
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could be right stewey but I don't think their laws are very liberal, look at the couple who kissed in a restaurant for instance
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text just read something like Drew loving it and looked the part in his designer gear at the beach but we were approached and told he had to keep his t shirt on, but you may well all be right, the sun being so strong
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yup, they'll tell you the same in Australia, it's to stop sunburn.
If you are in or near water the sun's rays are intensified by quite a lot.
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they would vibes your'e
When we took our nipper to Spain, a Spanish lady came up to us on the beach and said to keep the lads shirt on

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