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Things that just ARE.

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Booldawg | 20:32 Sun 11th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I've noticed that the inside of an empty mint tic-tac dispenser smells better than the taste of the actual tic-tacs themselves. strange.


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the smell of baking bread is better than eating bread
Why do you smell the inside of the container ?
smurf its suprising what people sniff lol
How many times have you been knocked out by the smell of me sucking a menthol sweet?
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LOL! why not!

Apparently your sense of smell is more memory envoking that your other senses; you store the memory of smells much efficiently than other senses.
Oh lor' that means they remember me as Menthol Woman, not for my wit and/or business acumen...
That is true, booldawg ... our smell memory is much stronger than our visual memory.
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the trouble is jj even though its memory envoking you often cant place the memory of smell to where you orginally got it from - it more fragmented than other memory enducers such a sounds or sights.
I always find perfumes evoke strong memories for me. If I smell Michael Kors, I am instantly transported back to Villamoura in Portugal.
But don't you sometimes smell something, say ... cooking ... and you instantly remember being in a school dining hall smelling the same smell ?

Or you smell something in the air, and you know exactly where you were when you smelt it before ?

(I think the air here has a distinctive smell ... when you get off the train, I think you'd know where you were)
On, HB ... the Algarve has a VERY distinctive smell.

You could be blindfold, and when they open the plane door at Faro you'd know EXACTLY where you were.

I love the smell of the Algarve. When you've been there a day or two, you stop noticing it.
... but why Michael Kors and Vilamoura ?
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I think JJ has the knack of matching smells with the time/place. I guess its like a gifted musician ytou can listed to a chord and say ,thats an E,B and G. Me, I just dont geddit!

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