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If you were Prime Minster...

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Bbbananas | 12:19 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
One of my BF's most frequent sayings is (groan) "If I were Prime Minster...".
What policy or Law would you introduce if you were PM?


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rude molly?
like, not asking first when someone bends down to pick up the soap?
or, not saying 'thank you' afterwards?
Or sticking their tongue out at the warden?
I thought he was onto something mollykins....

2. bring back 2 years national service, instill some discipline into our younger generations
3. make prisons tougher
4. get rid of all this politically correct nonsense that's screwed the country
5. create laws to ensure immigrants and foreign workers contribute to the wealth of the country instead of taking from it
6. Give the people who contribute most to then health and well being opf this country a break form getting hammered... Yes that's us the Great british taxpayer.
7 Do away with elements of the welfare state and force half of the countries layabouts back to work
8 make sure sodding FOOTBALL does stay banned forever!!!
Slapshot, you should have to work before you can claim benfits.
Give teachers back the authority to punish schoolchildren without anyone charging them with assault!! Ban the PC brigade next time they come up with something stupid.
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Can't remember - I was too inebriated dave!!

I have had a few earth moving moments since that first time, thankfully.
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damn - wrong thread again !!!!
Er, can I vote for you slapshot?
.......I forgot to mention, i've nothing against the game of football per se, it's just that we live near a football ground and we get beer-cans, chip papers, kebab and other food boxes in our front garden, cars parked blocking the drive...shouting and damage when team has lost....
free cake

but a long overdue haul of the justice system would be good

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