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Passed A Tranvestite And She Caught My Eye!

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poodicat | 20:55 Mon 12th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Was with my son and actually it was the wig that he was wearing that got my attention, then he gave me eye contact and i realised that the girl had balls!


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Yep an impressive head of hair! http://img.dailymail....gqueenMOS_468x844.jpg
My ex's dad had the full op and became Ms Dad. That was an interesting conversation when she told me all about it
Our local tranny has an enviable there a special boutique?
There are loads of transvestites around here - some of them look half decent (and some of them are dead ropey).
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He looked totally in fear,i admire him!
I went to an Eddie Izzard (Action Transvestite) gig a few years back and got speaking to one of his roadies who told me it's amazing to watch Eddie putting nail polish on whilst in the back of the tour bus. Apparently Eddie can paint his nails, without smudging and they look gorgeous! I'm afraid transvestites can be better than us girls sometimes! (please don't shoot me all at once!!) :-)
To be honest, I've got my own special frock that I wear to fancy-dress parties, and Ladies, i make fishnets look good!!
lol good for you bobjugs!
It's a sexy nurses outfit, complete with pinny and hat. Only problem is translating womens sizes into blokes Turns out I'm a 12-14 although my legs are to long and my shoulders well to broad.

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Passed A Tranvestite And She Caught My Eye!

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