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Night, Guys

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joggerjayne | 22:06 Sat 10th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers


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Night JJ
g'night x think i may go to bed as well (before witching hour on a saturday, i must be coming down with sonmthing)
Or going down with something !?? :-)
Question Author

Don't be naughty, Peri.

Oh, okay ... as an AJ, you can be naughty.

Right ... my teeth are cleaned, I have my books and my glass of water ... I'm off.

x x x
nite jayne
Night night / I think fluffy qualifies too ??
no he's not back this weekend ;-(
Ah well - save it all up - works a treat !!!!!
oh i know MO's baby MO's lol......
Yay for - more onions .........
Question Author
Is it environmentally friendly if I recycle this old thread, and use it again tonight?

Night, guys.

J x
Night, JJ. I can't stop yawning, so I'll be toddling off shortly. x x
Question Author
Time to recycle this old thread ... yet again !!

Night, guys ... be good ... x x x
nite jayne
g'night Jayne.. and don't have nightmares ;o) xx
G'nite JJ
Mopsy mwahhhh x
Nos Dda, Bobbi, sleep well!....................

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Night, Guys

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