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I fancy a flounce!

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Bobbisox | 14:57 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
done my chores and being a dutiful wife, need something to get me teeth into ...and it's not a
Bobbi ♥


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I read bounce ?????
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ha-ha thats was funny
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thing is I have nowt to flounce away for...BHS I think...
My ex-wife says that she will dance on my grave. I've now arranged to be buried at sea.
tee hee. I like that one.... (was it an old Les Dawson one or Bernard Manning?)
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ha-ha red you have an ex?, you sound the ideal man for someone
Yes I do have an Ex Bobbi although in truth she never actually said that ! lol
Not sure where that came from salla, it's worth a giggle I suppose . :-)

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I fancy a flounce!

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