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which celeb couple would make the worlds

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zzxxee | 10:38 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
1..... most beautiful baby?
2.....most ugly baby?


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ugly baby - Andrew Marr and Sandy Toksvig
beautiful baby - Chris Cornell and Salma Hayek
KP's mother must look like a larger version of Joe Bugner then, craft..........:o)

No wonder she wanted to go back into the Jungle.........she'd have felt completely at home !!
My moral answers
1-Are all baby's not sweet innocent heavenly angels...
2-Beauty tis only skin deep...

My immoral answers

1-Tyson beckford and kanye west's squeeze Amber rose. http://jadorefashionb...009/08/amber-rose.jpg

2-Shane macgowan and jo brand

I was so ugly at birth the midwife slapped my mother.
I was so ugly at birth that I could be a poster child for birth control!
Sir Elton John and his partner Dame Lily Savage - for both answers.
Question Author
beautiful baby farah fawcet.......jean claude van damn

ugly baby ... alan carr(ok i hes gay) and bonnie langford
susan and frankie boyle (take your pick as to whether most beautiful or most ugly)
There actually a site that does this zzxxee, though as Im not really a techy you lot can pay with it instead.
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chubby brown and jo brand

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which celeb couple would make the worlds

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