The court would take into account any previous convictions? the circumstances that the incident took place,accidental (manslaughter) intentional had the young person intended to cause harm /pre-meditated, others involvement etc, witness statements and such.. Young Offenders are classed as such up until the age of 18 , after 18 they then are classesd as adults and Probabtion would be involved with court proceedings. The person would be advised as to what section the crime was to be considered by the Courts i.e. Section 18, Section 20 etc
If the crime was commited before the age of 18 the Youth Offending Team would present a PSR (pre-sentence report). The sentence would originally be served in a YOI enviroment until the age of 21 and the person would then be transfered to an adult enviroment. The latter part of the sentence may be served in the community under licence, with conditions i.e. curfew, tag ,signing on at the police station, regular contact with a Probation Officer and residing in a suitable property. Breach of such conditions would result in the person returning to custody to serve the remainder of their sentence......hope this helps