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Is your name John Or Margaret?

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poodicat | 17:42 Wed 14th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
If so, you have the luckiest names for winning the lottery for prizes over £50,000


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Yes! Yes!
You can guess which, but how did you work that out...
Tomorrow I'm changing my name to Margaret John..
I will change my name from Kevin to Margaret.
Question Author
Well the lottery stats are as followed

Number 1 John
2 David
3 Michael
4 Peter
5 Robert
6 James
7 Paul
8 William
9 Stephen
Dont know the tenth they have cocked it up lol
Where the devil did Margaret come from, then?
Women just dont stand a chance do they then?
Margaret doesn't seem to have won much in that poll. Wot is occurring?
Question Author
Ladies its
Number 1 Margaret
2 Susan
3 Pat
4 Mary
5 Christine
6 Elizabeth
8 Janet
9 Linda
10 Karen
Question Author
These are the names that have won the lottery over £50,000 grand plus!
B*gger - not a Lard in sight
Question Author
Lol lard cant say that i have heard anyone named after you
Hmmm so im 3rd in line then ? il let you know later if i win tonight
Even my real name's not on there poodi - so I don't stand a chance do I?
Question Author
Hope you aint called michael lol!!!
I haven't won the lottery.
Imagine that, I would buy myself some sort of supa-dupa-cool computer handheld-portable-personal computer kinda-thing. Then I'd go on AB ALL the time...
Nope - not called Michael poodi - not even Michaela - not even close
Question Author
bbbe99 if i won the lottery the world would be my oyster wouldnt have time to be on here!
You make a very compelling (Hope I used the right word) point. I'd make the time, I could BUY it!

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Is your name John Or Margaret?

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