I suffered from this 7 years ago for 2 years. It is an excrutiating problem. looking back I don't know how I survived mentally. I went through many treatments. My Dr. kept treating me for yeast which only made the symptoms worse and no yeast was ever even present. Then I was treated for bacteria which again I did not have. Finally my Dr. put me on Neurontin which is for nerve pain and seizures. This helped me remarkably well. I also stoped taking herbal supplaments that I had been taking all along and all my discopmfort disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.
I just want to give hope to people suffering that it can be treated. I found some foods(mostly almonds and as I said herbal supplaments) could cause severe irritation.
Also if you have a yeast infection or bacterial infection DON;T use creams!!! Use only oral medication. I found creams sent me over the edge!!
Good luck to all suffering I survived and live a life free of Vulvadinia.