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a couple of things before I go and do me

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Bobbisox | 09:22 Thu 15th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Nomercy, any news from home about your Aunt and that fall?
CAJ1, Hows the chest infection doing with the antibiotics?
BOO, how long has your daughter got to go now?

Bobbi ♥


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Hi bobbi

It doesn't seem any better, I've been up since 6am coughing! Thanks for asking, sounds like you've got a fun day planned, I had a dream last night that I had really bad roots lol x
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sorry to hear that CAJ, but when I am 'done' I will be stunning..PMSL
Just got a string of sneezes thrown in there for good measure! lol, a complete transformation!
Morning Bobbi how's the Fog and the Hair !
One of the great mysteries is the fact that a woman can pour hot wax on her legs, rip her hair out by the roots, and still be afraid of a spider
red - the cat killed a spider the other day on the stairs.. Still can't bring myself to remove it!! lol.. As for waxing - pah... Epliation is the way forward!!!
I was quite impressed with myself the other day, I came in from the garden and there was a massive spider in the house, I stabbed it with my trowel, shovelled it up and launched it out the back...don't tell anyone in A & N!!!!
LOL ! Heroes all of you. ;-)
to my shame i found a spider in the shower, cat wouldn;t get rid of it so i went outside and gragged a random stranger in to deal with it, that was a good few years ago, ilike to think i'd be braver now but i doubt it.....
I agree red :)

lol mcfluff!!
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me vibes? now why is that, because I care for mey fellow human being maybe?
Hi Bobbi, thanks for asking after my aunt. I spoke, albeit briefly, to my nan this morning, who seems to think that my aunt would be discharged this afternoon. Of course I will have to ring one of them, as they never bother to ring me.... I'll keep you updated. x x

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a couple of things before I go and do me

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