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a perfect end to a ,errr perfect day

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Bobbisox | 23:48 Fri 16th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
had a row with the OH, when his sugar levels drop can be a friggin
good job I am a sweet understanding wife....yes I am !
Bobbi ♥


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Yes Bobbi one of the side effects of having a hypo is a personality change, some men get locked in jail because a copper sees them as D&D, its not until a doc arrives are they diagnosed as a diabetic in a hypo.
I suffer from this myself, I'm not nice, but my friends and family twig why.

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Jem, I can see it it so clearly, he goes from a mild mannered fella to a sh!t ...big time
Awww! Be patient with him Bobbi, he doesn't want to be a Sugar, later he'll appologise i'm sure.
N Nite. Jem.
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we are fine Jem, but it is a pain when everything is fine and then...wham !

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a perfect end to a ,errr perfect day

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