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fao jj marathon

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zzxxee | 21:49 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
how did you get on???


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It's tomorrow !

what colour have you been assigned
Question Author
whoops sorry kiddo !!!!!
good luck i was under the impression it was today xxxx
For jj after her marathon.
I'm pink, cazzz.
good luck, pinks a good time
Question Author
bet you will be running in a pair of jimmy choos lol
I can run at 12 kmh, 162 ppm, quite consistently.

That would get me round in 3.45.

I've allowed an extra half hour. I'd like to do around 4 hrs.
Question Author
should place some bets i will say 3 hours 49 mins anyone else??
Can't go wrong in pink! good luck lady..
Good luck tomorrow jj. xx
Good luck jj - you will probably finish in a darker shade of pink - maybe red even. I can just see you rejecting the tin foil blanket for a decent drink (;-)) I say 3.47 zzxxee.
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im opening up a new thread for guessing the time

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fao jj marathon

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