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Game on JJ, we are all rooting for you in the Brighton Marathon today..

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Bobbisox | 11:08 Sun 18th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Best of luck
Bobbi ♥


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Morning Bobbi ! Yes good luck to JJ, as long as she stops running when she reaches the Finishing Tape. We cannot have her fall into the Sea in Brighton Harbour ! Ha Ha
The route is on-line, the last leg is long.... all the way from Shoreham Harbour to the Marine Drive finish. Hopefully JJ (and janbee) will do well, it's a lovely morning down here. More power to their leggies!
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oh sorry I didn't realize janbee was doing it too, GOOD LUCK....girlies x
Good luck to both. I hope you raise lots for charity. If that's what your both doing it for.
Good luck to janbee too, didn't realise she was running as well.
Are they raising money for the Ann Summers Benevolent Fund !! lol

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Game on JJ, we are all rooting for you in the Brighton Marathon today..

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