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Where to go in the UK???

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meglet | 12:27 Sun 18th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
It seems pretty unlikely that I will be flying to Spain so am trying to plan a week in the UK. I am such an eternal sun worshipper that I ever holiday in the UK and have no idea where to go. Can people please suggest some things to do and places to go. Will consider anywhere!!!



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Had a quick look and there is still some availability on Brittany Ferries but I'm wary about leaving the country at the mo.

No kids mollykins, just me and the other half.

Norfolk Broads is an idea, I think I'll check that out now.
i don't know where i got kids from
you could hire a boat for a few days and cruise along, seeing some of th picturesque villages and wildlife.
if there is any sun about its in Norfolk plenty to do as well
How about Sellafield! you have fresh air, listen to the water slapping against the rocks & come home glowing! what more can you ask for, Jesus get a life.
I would look at Boxtops suggestions. Not too far to go. Much to see and do. Weather kind of good everywhere for the next few days.
If the weather forecast is good, Constable Country - Suffolk is meant to be beautiful :
why is cornwall out of the question?
try the North East meglet, Lindisfarne,Seahouses, the Farne islands, Dunstanburgh Castle, Bamburgh, Alnwick, Berwick. loads of walks,and great scenery. we're off next month
I went to Cornwall once. It was a very long drive and we didnt find it worth going back. Also a lot of the roads were single track. This is only my personal opinion, but if I were in Essex and had never explored Kent maybe that would be a better bet.
Round the broads is about 15c now and its not too busy. And then there are also other places nearby you could visit like cromer and southwold.
I agree with islowry, Northumbria is a terrific part of the country and very under rated, loads of history, fantastic scenery, beaches to match any where in the country, and some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet.

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