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jj marathon tommorow place your bets

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zzxxee | 22:06 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
im guessing 3 hrs 49 mins anyone else ?


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ttfn says 3 hrs 47 on another thread
Question Author
well it today come on get your guesses in guys xxx
Hiya zzxxee, I think she's a first timer so id go with 4.00 hours.
Question Author
hi bigfoot maybe but shes a super fit lady !!!! i would need a full week !!!
Maybe she has dived into nearest Pub and got Plastered instead ! ;-)
Question Author
lol i think it will be vodka not water in her bottle lol
Yes I suspect her trusty supporters will be passing her more then refreshing fruit juices as she dashes pass!
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Yes she wouldn't want a Paula Radcliffe moment now would she!
Paula radcliffe
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ha ha can you imagine jj doing that???
I've never met her but have a great imagination so yes! Lol.
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lol nothing seems to phase her does it !!!!

what marathon is it shes doing??
Brighton zzxxee, the first one for Brighton - I hear janbee's doing it as well.
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well ihope they both do well x
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any news on jj ??

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jj marathon tommorow place your bets

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