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Royal Navy to rescue stranded Brits...

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sandyRoe | 11:47 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Is this some sort of publicity stunt for the government? As far as I know there are no shortage of ferries sailing from European ports to the UK. Why send the navy?


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The ferry terminals are jam packed and people are fighting for places on them.

I've stayed on a royal fleet auxillary ship before, it was a little cosy, i would say. But for a short hop across the channel (and going faster than ferries i imagine) it would be better than being stuck abroad.
I gather they're full up (and doubling their fares). Schools are going back, so the need is urgent
Are they charging people? They aren't a business but use up money with fuel and other stuff and what about food. It isn't the best on those kinds of ships (well it was on rfa mounts bay) But wil lthey have to pay?
well the food depended on what you had and it varies from ship to ship. And are they also taking stranded foreigner back to mainland europe?
Publicity stunt.The BBC are reporting ferries are sailing and some have spaces
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Good luck to them...........that chap who went across with 5 speedboats to pick people up got stopped by the French.................I wonder if the frogs will try and stop a destroyer?
I can help.

i can take 2 people at a time in my dinghy, you might get a bit wet and it'll probably take all day and if you have lugage it'll only be one person and their stuff.
i'd got a weired mental image of frogs in battle gear ... never mind, craft can i have that muffin plse?
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okay seeing as it's you fluff (it was my last one).....
I bet the illegal immigrants in France are rubbing their hands together - more transport laid on and ferries - more chances to get over here......
on the Wright stuff this morning DEN, he said the French were preventing queues at the ports, when usually they are shoving people up a tunnel to us, I thought that was very funny
There's also a "greve national" on the railways in France at the moment & whilst there are trains running SNCF are advising that most trains are "complet" and journeys should be deferred.

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Royal Navy to rescue stranded Brits...

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