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The "Help Cheer Up Fluffy" Thread

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joggerjayne | 11:47 Mon 19th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
C'mon guys ... let's see if we can cheer up mccfluff.

Anteater goes into a bar.

Barman says ... "Why the long face?"


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exactly, unreasonable.....

i still don't fully understand, out love could be so good and pure
How many times do I have to tell you?! People are rubbish... Individuals can be ok though.... Just avoid 'people'....

I've been sick last night and had stomach cramps this morning and am now tentatively trying toast with peanut butter. Plus I've been walking around in flip flops and I think I may have crippled myself slightly.... Oh they joy...
I've put on my clowns mask especially for you fluffy - oops nope it's just me. :-)
doc that's fab xxxxx
you know what, i think this thread has worked, thanks everyone x

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Yay !

Yep that's me Bigfoot - I'm very popular with the kids for some reason !
glad your ok mcfluff i can go away in comfort knowing your happy
bye jj x (well done on marathon)
bob jugsxx (good luck with g friend x)
see ya bigfoot xx
Lol@pericat. Catch you later zzxxee!

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